Satisfaction Level of Librarians Regarding Research Support Services A Comparative Survey of Private and Public Universities of Pakistan Section Articles
The key objective of this research was to compare the satisfaction levels of private and public university librarians (ULs) regarding research support services (RSSs). The study used judgmental and convenience sampling techniques to collect data from the respondents via a selfadministered questionnaire used offline/online. The questionnaire focused on four facets of RSSs.
An independent t-test was applied for data analysis. The study outcomes illustrated
that no significant difference existed between the librarians of private and public
universities regarding the RSSs provided. The mean scores of the four RSSA factors
confirmed that respondents were moderately satisfied with their RSSs. Moreover, in the majority of the cases, public ULs were slightly better than their counterparts in the private sector. The findings of this study might create healthy competition between the private and public ULs in Pakistan and abroad.
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