Information Needs and Seeking Behavior of Science & Technology Teachers of the University of the Punjab, Lahore


Muzammil Tahira
Kanwal Ameen


The paper focuses on enquiring the information needs and Information seeking behavior of Science and Technology (S&T) teachers of the University of the Punjab (PU). Their preferences regarding various formats of information sources (printed and electronic) and importance of formal and informal sources have been explored through quantitative survey. Self-completion questionnaire was used to reach whole population of institutions/colleges/departments of all Science and Technology faculties. Findings reveal: both libraries and e-resources are playing important role in meeting respondents' information needs; direct access to e-sources has slightly decreased the number of their visits to departmental and central libraries; and faculty spend comparatively more time on searching web sources than print sources.


How to Cite
Tahira, M., & Ameen, K. (2009). Information Needs and Seeking Behavior of Science & Technology Teachers of the University of the Punjab, Lahore. Pakistan Journal of Information Management and Libraries, 10, 80–96. Retrieved from

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