An Investigation into the Correlation among Academic Staff’s E-journals Use, E-literacy Skills, Demographic variables and Research Productivity
The study aimed to investigate relationship of academic staff's use of e-journals with demographic and profession related variables. The quantitative survey method was used to achieve the objectives of the study. The population of the study included academic staff of 12 faculties of the University of the Punjab. Self-administered questionnaire was distributed to 841 regular and contractual academic staff members with a response rate of 54 %. The results of the study found that the respondents' frequency of e-journals use was significantly related to their discipline, age, education, internet use, e-literacy skills and research output. However, e-journals use was not significantly related to their official position and gender. It is a valuable study as it comprehensively investigated correlation of certain variables with academic staff's use of e-journals in Pakistani perspective.
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